As a nurse in a busy ER I was constantly washing my hands and using hand sanitizer. This lead to always having dry, flaky, and cracked skin. I tried dozens of different lotions and creams which provided some temporary relief but nothing really helped. I felt like I could never get to the root of the problem.
I started looking into how the skin worked. Through hundreds of hours of research I learned that skin has a moisture barrier which is what keeps a person's skin from drying out. I realized that the constant hand washing was destroying my skin's ability to hold in moisture.
So how to fix the problem? My research indicated that nutritive plant oils could strengthen my moisture barrier which would improve the dryness that I was experiencing on my hands.
I looked for a product that had the needed ingredients to improve my skin and unfortunately I came up short. Few products were completely natural without added chemicals, and the few that were, only had 1 or 2 ingredients.
Disappointed but determined, I started buying the separate ingredients and creating my own formula and products.
After a few years of testing different ingredients and formulas I had great success at healing the eczema and dryness on my hands. I started using these oils on my whole body and noticed a huge change.
My skin was smoother and less prone to eczema. I noticed less flaking and improved elasticity
It made me wonder if using these same oils on my face would improve some of the problems my combination skin gave me.
The more research I did, the more I realized that a lot of the chemicals used in facial products were actually the cause of so many of my problems.
These chemicals were destroying the moisture barrier causing more acne and dry skin.
After trial and error, I found a combination of plant based oils that helped resolve the issues that I was struggling with.
I had less acne, my dry spots were less dry, and my oily spots were less oily. I had a decrease in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I felt comfortable in my own skin and stopped wearing as much makeup.
After years of constantly being asked what products I took and how come my skin was radiant I realized just how many people had the exact same problems as me.
Now I started Trella to bring clean transparent skin products to the world.